söndag 18 januari 2009


I don't have a lot of time. I have to eat and then I'm gonna meet Hanna in the city. Just wanted to say that you can't check your email in this house. Maybe I will get my own internet later and then I may be able to figure it out.

Just a brief rapport. The family is nice and consists of a mum a "dad" (he's not the real dad but he lives here) and the daughter Marie that's almost 13 but is very grown up. There is also a brother that's 24 and seems to visite once a week. Everyone speeks only french although the "dad" Gil seems to know pretty much english, at least he knew the word for headquarter. It's ok though, I understand most of what they say.

This keeboard is totally different and it's really slow writing. You'll hear more from me soon. Hugs! Good luck with moving and everything Jocke and Paul.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Eftersom vi skulle kommentera på stavfel... jag reagerade främst på "keeboard" :P

    Hoppas att du överlever där nere och inte är borta allt för länge :)

  2. hrm... rapport??? report, darling, report, pleeease :P
    good luck with everything, and everything else, that "everything" doesn't include!

  3. Good luck Ingrid in Frenchland! Say hi to Hanna for me ^^
    I'll hopefully see you guys there in a few months and then we can act crazy in paris together ;)

  4. Since you asked us to complain about your spelling and the others have started:
    visit, not visite (about the brother). I guess we'll have to live with a few typos for a while. Also, why can't you check the e-mail?

  5. You didn't know what you gav dig in på when you asked us to check your spelling.:P
    We can live with som spelling mistakes, can't we?
    Hope you're enjoying yourself.
